Pre- Foundations Self-Assessment

Please select the most suitable answer to each of the questions below then add up your score to see if you and your dog are ready to take part in the BAD Foundation Course.

1.    My dog has been to the following training:

a) No formal training

c) Puppy Pre-school

b) Obedience Classes

d) Behaviour training

2.    When out walking and we cross paths with another dog, my dog;

a) Walks past without interest

b) Wants to meet the other dog and is happy and excited (playful)

c) Lunges at the other dog and pulls hard on the lead

d) Barks and lunges at the other dog and has to be restrained


3.    When off lead and you call your dog’s name what is his/her reaction;

a) Looks in my direction and comes immediately

b) Looks in my direction and then runs off the opposite way

c) Runs away immediately

d) Completely ignores me and continues doing his/her own thing


4.    How does your dog interact with reinforcement (food or toy)?

a) Likes to take food or toy but only when not distracted by something else

b) My dog will not take food or toy as reinforcement outside the house

c) Food and / or toys are the best thing ever

d) My dog will not take food or toy as reinforcement even inside the house


5.    When you walk your dog on lead what kind of experience do you have?

a) Calm and stress free, dog walks beside me and lead is loose

b) Exciting at first but within 10-15 minutes lead is loose and dog is calm

c) Stressful – dog pulls on the lead the entire time

d) It’s a battle – dog pulls on the lead & lunges at other dogs


6.    What is your dog’s favourite thing to do?

a) Sleep

d) Play with your other dog

b) Eat

e) Go for a walk

c) Play with you

f) Play with other dogs in the dog park

Now that you are finished answering the questions use the table on this page to add up your score and see how you and your dog went, remember this is simply a self-assessment tool you can use to see if agility is right for you and your dog.