Use this table to work out your rating and see if the description below provides an accurate reflection.



Sounds like you already have a solid connection with your dog and have a good amount of control established. Coming when called and enjoying time with you is really important when it comes to enjoying agility.  Let’s get you booked into the next available Foundation class and get your agility journey started.



With time, dedication and commitment you have a great opportunity to really make some positive changes and improve your relationship with your dog.  The BAD Foundation Course can help you with this but you will need to commit to putting in some time and effort to get the benefits and it may take a couple of goes to get there. You know how the saying goes “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”.




Please contact the Foundations Co-ordinator to discuss your current training schedule and what you are looking to do long term with your dog.   To get the most out of the BAD Foundation Course it is important that your dog comes when called, is highly interested in playing with you and you have a high level of control over him/her. If your dog is dragging you around on walks and reacting aggressively to other dogs as you pass by, you may need to consider looking into behaviour modification or obedience training first.  We want your experience with us to be the best it can be. To really enjoy our course you may need to look at completing some additional training focused on control and reactivity.


Contact details for the Foundations Coordinator are